Wooden Outdoor Planters

We could all use a bit of green in our lives now that the winter’s magic is starting to wane.  For those of us with only a mildly to moderately green thumb, there’s a simple alternative to actual gardening, luckily for us, there’s an entire industry of self-watering flower pots. Even if it’s just a tiny herb garden on a kitchen counter or window sill or a single cactus. No special irrigation requires on a front patio or back in the balcony, there’s something for everyone at every skill level or lack thereof when it comes to the beauty of botany.  Since spring is still several months away and the odds of seeing leaves and blooms astride the sidewalk are low to nonexistent, we just may have to take matters into our own hands.  So, we’ve rounded up a collection of wooden outdoor planters to refresh your home for winters.wooden-outdoor-planters

Maintaining your wooden outdoor planters is an important key to keeping your plants and flowers healthy and free of pests and diseases that can contaminate your soil. Maintaining your planters will also help with making sure your plant has enough room to grow within the soil and the planter itself. Weather conditions can also affect your outdoor planters if they are not properly maintained, especially if they are stored in extremely cold temperatures that can cause your planters to freeze and crack.

Some untreated wooden outdoor planters can still be made to last a long time if they are equipped with plastic liners or if they act as ornamental containment devices for smaller, more water-resistant planters. The role of these ornamental outdoor planters is very esthetic and they provide little-to-no practical value to the plant they are containing. However, these wooden planters can be found in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and forms, since their beauty is not limited by a practical function.

Barrel-type wooden planters are usually reinforced with metal bars and rivets, which is a feature used by some other varieties of wooden outdoor planters.Because metal does not generally deteriorate as wood does, it can be used as a reinforcing or decorative material to create trellises, ornamental details, rivets, and rims. These metal-and-wood combinations are a lovely blend of rustic and refined beauty.


Whatever your needs as a gardener, wooden planters can be selected to suit your garden. Although the fragile nature of typical wood can at times be limiting, the total result of carefully selected wooden planters is attractive, functional and durable.

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